I provide strategic guidance, creative direction and copywriting for start-ups and small businesses. As a creative consultant, I help founders articulate their product benefits, identify shared interests with users, and cultivate brand loyalty through communication. As part of my role, I also develop website content that guides users through the sales funnel.


✐ Branding
Brand name Tone & Voice | Packaging copy
Content architecture | UX design | Content
Creative Direction
✐ Instagram content
✐ Performance Marketing


✐ Brand purpose and promise
✐ Copy guidelines
✐ Website content


✐ Brand story
✐ UX design
✐ Website content

Good Foundation

✐ Brand name
✐ Collateral content

Studio 5b

✐ Website Tone of Voice
✐ Website content

Book of Now.

✐ Content for Design Thinking book


✐ Content architecture
✐ Website content




Direct-to-consumer (D2C), almond milk start-up.

✐ Branding
Brand name | Positioning | Tone & Voice | Packaging copy
Content architecture | UX design | Website content
Creative Direction
✐ Instagram content
✐ Performance Marketing

Brand name

The process started with a couple of conversations to find the answer to three simple questions:

Why should this product exist?

How will it make a difference to the user’s life?

What is the goal of the business apart from making a profit? 

The next step was to identify some of the key requirements for the name.

Potential names along with a write-up that brought the name and the world alive were shared with the founder.

After multiple rounds, the team shortlisted the name ‘mohjo’. It conveyed that ‘happy feeling’ that all the users felt after consuming a sample of the product. 

It also gave mohjo the opportunity to own the phrase ‘find your mohjo’.  This would help the brand develop its own vocabulary and start telling a story that was distinct from most alt-milk brands in the market.

Brand guidelines

The brand guidelines set for tone and voice were simple and broad. The objective was to give content creators a clear understanding of how to sound like mohjo, while giving them the freedom to express themselves.

Packaging copy

Hard-selling and pushy copy would not have been correct for the brand we were building. Instead, the packaging copy had a conversation with the consumer. It conveyed the feeling of mohjo, rather than selling yet another alt-milk beverage.

Website content architecture

The mohjo website required straightforward, easy-to-navigate content architecture. Content and breadcrumbs were structured so that users would find relevant information exactly where they expected to find it.

Website UX

I developed low-fidelity wireframes to help the team get a good idea of the rough content, visual elements, and user flow of the final website. 

This helped them identify and solve issues in user flow and shortlist shopify themes. It also meant the team had a clear understanding of the scope of work before talking to UI designers and developers. 

Website content

The language of the website is simple and honest, punctuated by a wink and a smile in places. The goal is to communicate in a clear and friendly manner exactly what makes mohjo special.

Instagram content strategy

I identified the main buyer personas and created a content plan that would appeal to them at each stage of the marketing funnel. 

This exercise also helped us develop topics and topic clusters which gave the content team focused yet varied starting points to create content day in, day out.

Instagram content

I worked with mohjo’s in-house design team to create content for social media that had a distinct mohjo look and tone. 

My role included working with the founder and a performance marketing expert to create marketing assets for facebook, instagram and emailers.



Revenue generated per$ of ad spend


Month on month revenue growth in the first year


Unique visitors to the website in 6 months .


Open rates for emails


Electric two-wheeler start-up

✐ Brand purpose
✐ Brand promise
✐ Product tagline
✐ Copy guidelines
✐ Website content

River is an EV startup that is reimagining the way scooters are designed and built. I helped the founders articulate River’s purpose and its promise. I also worked with the design team to develop copy guidelines, content for, and the product tagline for their first product.

I guided the founders through my brand discovery process. It helped us identify our ideal consumer, and define the brand’s purpose and promise. We narrowed our TG down to the ambitious young Indian entrepreneur. Someone who was out to make the most of every opportunity they got, and was ready to hustle every single day.

Brand purpose

Brand manifesto

Before I developed the brand promise, I created a manifesto for River that captured the essence of all our discussions and the founders’ vision for what brand River stands for.

Brand promise

The first product to hit the market was Indie. It is a customisable, adaptable and rugged bike built for the young entrepreneur.

The tagline: Built to Hustle drew its inspiration from entrepreneur speak but still stayed true to River’s brand promise: Do more. Be more. 



Marketing and advertising services

✐ Brand Story
✐ UX Design
✐ Website Content

Brand story

I worked with the founding partners to align their skill-sets to the need gap in the market. After weeks of conversations we arrived at the core of their offering: A consultancy focused on helping small brands and entrepreneurs with big ideas maximize their potential. I helped articulate this offering into their brand statement.

Content architecture

I did a Persona and User Journey exercise to arrive at a simple yet effective Content Map of the DoodleBug website. The goal was to highlight DoodleBug’s unique offering and skills on the home page without cluttering it with too much information. From the homepage, users would be directed to inside pages with information that they would find relevant.

UX design

I developed low-fidelity wire frames to help the UI designer with the website.

Web content

I also identified a tone of voice that captured the essence of DoodleBug’s personality, and developed web content to match it.

Good Foundation

Not-for-profit marketplace

✐ Brand Name
✐ Collateral Content

Brand name

The first step of the naming exercise was to narrow down and agree upon the key requirements of the name.

After three rounds the team finalised the acronym G.O.O.D. The expansion of the brand name also functioned as a brand descriptor and mission statement.

Collateral content

All products contained a tag with the GOOD manifesto.

Products were also delivered with tags that gave the buyer a short story about the entrepreneur they were helping with their purchase.

Studio 5b

Design Thinking Studio

✏ Website Tone of Voice
✏ Website Content

Tone of Voice

The first step was to identify the values of the company. After talking to the team at Studio 5b we arrived at a simple and easy to understand articulation of their core values.

The second step was to detail out what a company with these values would sound like.

Then, I identified the persona that embodied these voice principles, and did a pen portrait to help everyone on the project visualise the persona.

The final step was to set up a few simple yet critical guidelines for the copy.

Web content

Book of Now

Limited Edition Series by Studio 5b

✐ Content for Case Study Book

Page dividers made up of bold and provocative headlines served as signposts throughout the book

Design Thinking and Research processes were explained using simple language and process diagrams.

Findings from Qualitative Research were turned into pen portraits of personas that were written to read like biographies.